Sunday, November 23, 2008


Condemnation means: To find wrong; to show guilt.

Who has lived with that? Ding, ding, ding! I know I have, especially on the guilt aspect. Did you know that condemnation can keep us from moving forward and exceeding into possibilities that God has for each of us? Yes, it can! I’ll be the first to tell you, it has happen to me, and it still manifest, if I allow the condemnation to enter into my way of thinking.

Early in my Christian walk I felt an enormous amount of guilt in the way I lived my live aside from God. After being married for 5 years, I had an affair with a married man. Not only did I disrupt the life of him and his family, but my life too. Forever changing the way we had lived our lives. Since then, I have moved on and put that part of my life behind me, and view that circumstance as a life changing event. That one incident was SO emotional, I had no where to go, but to God! Now I use that life changing event as part of my testimony in teaching others the importance of their decisions and commitments to others and mostly before God.

Moving on and thinking if God can forgive me, then I can forgive myself. “This should be easy”, so I thought! The condemnation lay so heavily on my heart and in my mind, I thought I was going to break; guilt was a part of my everyday life, by that time; but God carried me through it. As time passed on, I found myself deep into God’s word and learning to deal with those chooses and decisions that I had made. Knowing I could not change what had happen at that time, but only to grow and live my life to the fullest! However, I knew God loved me so much, that he gave His only begotten son, Jesus Christ,(John 3:16) to die for my sins. He carried me and showed me every step of the way, little by little. And, still is working in my life. Slowly, the changes came and the condemnation was subsiding. Feeling peace and forgiveness in my heart and knowing I have a life to fore-feel in a different way and in a different view.

Today, I would not make those same choices as I did at that time in my life. You see, I was unhappy and was out to seek anyone that would show me some type of attention; falling into the devils prey and self pity just to find myself still mangled in the middle of all that “stuff”. Just because it looks superior, doesn’t mean it is first-class. Our feelings change like the wind, coming and going. Not to be trusted. I fell into that trip because I was weak and variable. Today, I’m happy to say, Condemnation doesn’t control me as it once did. Rather I have the control over what I wish to entertain physically and mentally.
Remember, Jesus loves us just as we are.

Nor, does Jesus say come unto me when you feel unsoiled or right. The only way we are cleansed, is through the blood of Jesus Christ. We’re unable to clean ourselves, (That is foolish thinking) we are not Holly.
Break free from condemnation by trusting in Jesus Christ. All things are possible through Him.

Below please find a few scripture verses I have picked for your viewing. Enjoy!
As always:

Why not say as we are being slanderously reported as saying and as some claim that we say Let us do evil that good may result their condemnation is deserved
Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Jesus Christ
Because through Jesus Christ the law of the spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death.
2 Peter-1:2
Many will follow their shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute.
2 Pete-1:3
In their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have made up. Their condemnation has long hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping.